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Steve Overton

Jan 15, 2015
Odessa, Texas
Yes, that's right there can be a situation where a unit gets hit multiple times and gets removed from play. That can, and does, happen in real situations as well. A unit will never go combat ineffective if the defender gets to have all the time they need to regroup between the attacks on it. The attacker is trying to do just what you suggest, give them more firepower than they can assimilate and continue to function normally.

The Tactical Event Card decks are set up specifically to help alleviate these kinds of situations. One of the big ways is to use a Rally card. You can play a Tactical Event Card anytime during the turn. No matter whose impulse it is. That fog of war situation makes it harder to determine if you can hit a unit multiple times with a guaranteed outcome.

What ends up happening is not so much 'just sum up enough firepower to wipe the defender's units out' as it is 'I need to attack them again while they are hurt to see if I can remove them.' It's not easy to remove units from play. You have to be careful about creating 'kill stacks', because while they are wonderful when you fire them at people, a single good attack against them can cost you a good portion of your forces. The actions depicted in KN are all small and taking the loss of a lot of firepower in one action can really hurt.

Each player has a Tactical Event Deck of 50 cards. The normal hand is 4 cards per turn. That can vary from 0 to 6 depending on the situation. At the end of the turn the Soviet Player may discard 1 out of his hand the US Player may discard 2 out of his hand. Then the players refill their hands and the turn starts. Tactical Event Cards may be played without an active impulse. Which means they can be played immediately, even before an impulse has been drawn. In your example, I could have drawn a Rally card and use it on the stack of units that are in trouble before anything else happens. I wouldn't have to, and I would wait to see if I just got the next impulse before using it, but I could if I wanted to.

I agree that triples is a low odds result. It's interesting, we will go sometimes multiple games without one and then get multiple results all in the same game. As it should be. Triples can give either positive or negative results to the combat.

I'm sorry, I forgot to answer your terrain modifier question. Yes, you have it correct. Terrain effects combat in two ways. It can reduce the effectiveness of the firepower - the reduction to the attackers values, and it can increase the defenders morale - the increase to the defenders morale. Since terrain does both those things in real life, it does both of them in the game as well.

Good Hunting.



Aug 18, 2018
Thank You for Your answers.

When it is published, I will definitely buy it and try it out.
Sep 22, 2015
Just saw a playthrough video over at BGG (link here) and I just spotted a typo on one of the event cards.
I know you're all still playtesting and you might have spotted that one already but I just thought I'd mention it anyway.
It seems the allied event card Confusion is misspelled (it says Confuision).

Just a heads up!