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Command Ops 1 - Prokhorovka: Central Corridor

Command Ops 1 - Prokhorovka: Central Corridor

A small 14 hour scenario to be played as Axis only. This is the key central corridor area of the Prokhorovka battle, part of one of the largest clash of tanks in history.

There are 6 files within the zipped folder.
1. Unzip the folder contents to a location of your choice.
2. Place the 3 estab files (the COE, XML and empty EFSTEstab images folder) in the BFTB estab folder
3. Place the Central Corridor 'cop' file in the BFTB map folder. Ditto the cop.cache file
4. Place the 'The Central Corridor as Axis rev 1' file in your My Scenarios folder. If you haven't got one then just make one within the BFTB Scenarios folder.

There is a quick AAR featuring a version of this scenario in the AAR section of the BFTB forum on LnL.

I traced the original map - of which this is smaller section - from a soviet-era map and it's very accurate.

John Connor
john connor
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Last update
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