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Warparty  4 Piece Replacement Map 11.0 x 17.0

Warparty 4 Piece Replacement Map 11.0 x 17.0 v1.0

Hey Everyone,

Warparty customers have been have issues with some of the parts provided in the game. Warparty was produced by the previous owner of the company but we felt we wanted to provide some ways for the customers to be able to replace parts of the game they were unhappy with.

We have made available a replacement map for Warparty as a free download. The Warparty map is broken into 4 pieces of 11.0 x 17.0.

We also provided some other options for those who wanted to replace items in their games.


A) Anyone who wants to only replacement the map with a new physical mounted map will need to open a support ticket at our site (http://support.lnlpublishing.com). All we ask is you pay the shipping and handling fee for the map. The game board is heavy and a large size so the shipping rate overseas will be a little costly. In order for you to receive a free map, we need your Full Name, Address, Email and your PayPal email so we can send toy an invoice for the shipping and handling fee. Our rough overseas shipping estimate is between $30.00 to $40.00 depending on where it is being shipped too. Within the USA it is between $7.00 to $10.00

B) Anyone who wants to get a COMPLETE physical game replacement will need to open a support ticket at our site (http://support.lnlpublishing.com). All we ask is you pay the shipping and handling fee for the game. This is the complete game box and all. In order for you to receive a free game, we need your Full Name, Address, Email and your PayPal email so we can send toy an invoice for the shipping and handling fee.The game is heavy and weights between 12 to 13 pounds and is also large so the shipping rate overseas will be costly. Our rough overseas shipping estimate is between $40.00 to $55.00 depending on where it is being shipped too. Within the USA it is between $11.00 to $15.00.

Please note we will check each game but we can't promise every player card is perfect.

We would like to thank you for your support of Warparty and Lock 'n Load Publishing. If you have any questions please feel free to open Support Ticket.
David Heath
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