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Search results

  1. Sean Druelinger

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    To everyone at LNL and to its customers... Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
  2. Sean Druelinger

    The Goliath makes it's way into Stalin's Triumph

    The Goliath will play a role in Stalin’s Triumph. This tracked mine was used by Germans to destroy tanks and strongpoints. This remote controlled tracked vehicle could deliver up to 160 pounds of explosives. This technology is represented in the game with its own counter. Enclosed are some...
  3. Sean Druelinger

    The KV-1 and Stalin's Triumph

    The KV-1 tank named after the peoples defense minister Kliment Voroshilov was a 45-48 ton heavy tank with 10-15 mm armor. The main gun on the 1942 version of the tank was a 76.2mm gun. There were many criticisms about this tank including its lack of speed and agility, the transmission being...
  4. Sean Druelinger

    Stalin's Triumph Update

    Hello Sean Druelinger here - I wanted to post that I will be working on Stalin's Triumph. I have joined Dave Heath's team as the lead for this project and have been working with him on gathering the resources to complete this game within the 1st Quarter of 2015. I will be actively monitoring...