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Search results

  1. Jams F. Jones

    Another Edition of STG

    Are there any plans for a second edition of Storming the Gap?
  2. Jams F. Jones

    Version 5,1 PAC

    Can the 5.1 PACs be used with older games using Version 4.1?
  3. Jams F. Jones

    Spiral Bound STG Module and Scenarios Booklet

    Does this new booklet have the changes and clarifications posted, or is it just a straight reprint?
  4. Jams F. Jones

    Blood and Fury Update

    When can we expect Blood and Fury to go to prinr? Also, will it include updated Core rules?
  5. Jams F. Jones

    NAW Compendium Replacement Counter

    Received the Compendium replacement counters, but how is the formation market for SS PZ ABT 101 used?
  6. Jams F. Jones

    Replacement Counters

    What is the status of the NAW replacement counters?
  7. Jams F. Jones

    Order of Battle

    Is an Order of Battle available for Storming the Gap?
  8. Jams F. Jones

    Weaker M1?

    In comparing the first version M1 counter with the revised counter, it appears it has lost some of its advantage over the T72. For example, it no longer has a range advantage. It appears then that the M1 tactics that worked in Version won't hold for WAW85. Please advise.
  9. Jams F. Jones

    Blocking/Degrading Terrain

    Is Blocking and Degrading terrain graphic considered whole hex when checking LOS?
  10. Jams F. Jones

    Version 2.2 Play Aids

    I've downloaded the revised playing aids from the Support Section, but don't see the aid for the Bombing Run. Am I missing something?