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Search results

  1. HariSeldon

    Nations At War

    Will there be a new Nations at War game offered through Kickstarter? I would certainly support a game with similar scope and stretch goals to the just funded World at War game.
  2. HariSeldon

    Force Importation

    I'm experimenting with scenario creation. How do you import an existing scenarios forces into a new scenario. The Force List folder appears empty.
  3. HariSeldon

    Why No Area Fire Into A Building Hex?

    What is the design intent behind not allowing "area fire" into an unspotted building hex within LOS?
  4. HariSeldon

    Design Your Own Scenarios

    My question is regarding designing my own scenarios. I am well aware that scenario design is an art - you want to get the right balance. I am also aware that WW2 platoon / company formations had a TO&E. Does the firepower of German squads include an inherent machine gun? I remember all the...
  5. HariSeldon

    Eisenbach Gap - Deluxe Counter Question

    The OOB of Alpha Troop in the rule book shows 1 x cobra. The counter sheet contains 2 cobra counters both labeled Alpha. Is the extra cobra counter a gift from brigade headquarters?
  6. HariSeldon

    WSR Rising Expansion

    Are the currently available for sale Airborne and Cobra expansions for WSR a new edition? I purchased both expansions under the "Ancien Regime". Anything new in the current editions? Thanks.
  7. HariSeldon

    WWII Company OOB's & Support Weapons

    When constructing a standard 1944 German grenadier company, should every squad carry a light machine gun?
  8. HariSeldon

    Squad Firepower

    Forgive me if this question has been asked and answered in the past: In Forgotten Heroes 2, there are two marine squad types. One with a firepower rating of 3 and one with a firepower rating of 2. What are the TO&E differences between the two squads? Or is the difference attributable to...