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Search results

  1. Greg

    Replay of recorded games....

    Am I correct in assuming that this feature is not functioning? Couldn't verify by searching the Lnl forum.
  2. Greg

    Is anything going on?

    I own every game Panther has published and I am still playing the game along with some others but things are really quiet here at home base. Did I miss an update somewhere?
  3. Greg

    A feature I would like to see.....

    Lets say I give a company an order to pursue and engage an enemy straggler unit while the parent battalion remains in a defend position. That order will have a start time and end time which I can manually adjust if I want to. The feature I would like to see would be for the Company to...
  4. Greg

    Opening multiple Force Data screens?

    Perhaps I dont understand. When I have a Force data screen open for a unit can i then open a force data screen for an additional unit, or does it just open an addition screen for the same unit?
  5. Greg

    FIXED 5.0.8 - Messages not showing...

    Playing Beta From scenario and no messages have shown up either in the upper left or in the message log tab. I am 95% through the scenario. The message filter is set to Routine. Could this be scenario specific?