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Search results

  1. Soviet Pachyderm

    All I want for Xmas is ...PBEM

    I'd really like a real time multiplayer more than a PBEM system. This game is real-time, yes? Than the PBEM system wouldn't really work.
  2. Soviet Pachyderm


    Nope, not the Moomins, it's Sakamoto from Nichijou.
  3. Soviet Pachyderm

    Snippet's From the Meuse to the Rhine

    Wow, that's probably the most in depth AAR I've seen for pretty much any wargame. Nice job, bro.
  4. Soviet Pachyderm

    D-Day Airborne

    Oi, I'm here too! Sorry I'm being quiet, just reading for now.
  5. Soviet Pachyderm

    Where to buy Command Ops titles?

    I would totally buy it in this state. Those features aren't really a big deal to me. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd assume those features aren't really a big deal to any other players either.
  6. Soviet Pachyderm

    Where to buy Command Ops titles?

    Me being able to scrape together 50 dollars by this Christmas isn't guaranteed, but if I did, I would totally buy this early, even with the buggy scenario selection and some less than optimal performance. I know a ton of other people here would be really happy to get their hands on it early too...
  7. Soviet Pachyderm

    Where to buy Command Ops titles?

    Ah, okay. Shame this isn't coming out around Christmas, don't think I can scrape up the funds for this at any other time of the year. The harrows of being poor and liking one of the most expensive video game genres out there :(.
  8. Soviet Pachyderm


    That was awesome, do more of these mate.
  9. Soviet Pachyderm

    Where to buy Command Ops titles?

    Will the original Command Ops and expansions be released here as well?