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Search results

  1. Eternal

    Scenario 6 question

    I have a question for scenario 6. Does the 900 SAAB have the initiative in this scenario? Or does it start with a random card? Are helicopters from the 900 SAAB operating as usual? That is, in one activation they fly up to the target city, and only for the next activation they land a trooper...
  2. Eternal

    Limit the activation

    I am a longtime fan of the World of War series. However, I always did not like the fact that the activation is absolutely random and not crammed into the frame. This may be greetings to horrendous consequences, such as, for example, one American formation is activated six times in a row and...
  3. Eternal

    Small-Arms vs passengers

    I always wondered why the passengers on the tank get defense. If I correctly understand the rule, the attack goes like this: - The attacker rolls a die, adds his attack to the value. Then the defender rolls the die and adds the lowest armor of the tank to the value and the terrain modifier to...
  4. Eternal

    Heroes of Normandy – The Untold Stories

    When will this add-on be available? Why is it marked on the site as Out of Stock? Also when will new 4K X-Maps be available?
  5. Eternal

    Group about Lock 'n Load

    I created a group in VK about the games of the series Lock 'n Load Publishing. Publish reviews there and repports on the games. Enter. Only she in Russian :) Now I'm playing all the scenarios from the first module World At War. https://vk.com/sternwar