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Search results

  1. Bardamu

    HotP:Battle of Buariki scenario question

    Hello, HotP "The Battle of Buariki" Special scenario rules say: " Except for Ninjutsu units or Sniper placement, Japanese forces cannot leave their initial set-up area". Am I right, interpreting this, as: Japanese forces (except Ninjutsu units) cannot move at all ? Thanks for your answers.
  2. Bardamu

    LnLT Game Play Walk Through [Deleted]

    Very useful for beginners but too many mistakes and typos make this walkthrough confusing in the end. Let's see, amongst others examples: Hex C4 is Light woods (TM+1) not Woods (TM +2) Hex L2 is Brush (TM 0) not Light Woods (TM + 1) Bocage is TM +3 not +2 (pages 5, 8, 9, 13) The -1/+1...