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Search results

  1. Ryan Shannahan

    Prelude to War Campaign Playthrough

    Mission 4 Part 2
  2. Ryan Shannahan

    Prelude to War Campaign Playthrough

    Mission 4 Part 1
  3. Ryan Shannahan

    Prelude to War Campaign Playthrough

    Mission 3 Part 3
  4. Ryan Shannahan

    Prelude to War Campaign Playthrough

    Mission 2 Part 2
  5. Ryan Shannahan

    Prelude to War Campaign Playthrough

    Mission 2 Part 1
  6. Ryan Shannahan

    Prelude to War Campaign Playthrough

    I have begun posting a video playthrough of the Prelude to War campaign on YouTube. Currently I have finished producing a campaign introduction video, Mission 1 after action review, and a Mission 2 full playthrough in three parts. Intro and Mission 1 are uploaded. Mission 2 will follow with a...
  7. Ryan Shannahan

    Shotgunner Armour

    Sharp eye. The Shotgunner has no armor. Other than that, the example of play correctly describes the use of armor (a la Close Combat Team).
  8. Ryan Shannahan

    Build Your Own Missions and Characters for SIR

    I really appreciate these tools! Thank you for the additional support. Understand if this is not a priority since this is a free resource, would it be possible to add other unit types to be customizable as well? Thinking of specialists, vehicles, and Steel Bones. Though specialists are generic...
  9. Ryan Shannahan

    Political Matrix Die Rolls

    That works for me, Devin. The doubles mean the Cthonian/Mutant relationship and the Flesh Eaters/Cyber relationship are extra volatile compared to the Cthonian/Flesh Eater relationship and the Mutant/Cyber relationship. If your explanation above is correct (and it makes sense to me), no further...
  10. Ryan Shannahan

    Political Matrix Die Rolls

    How do you determine which races move toward war or alliance on this track? The die symbols do nothing but confuse me as there are two "1 pip" and two "2 pip" results. There are 90 degree colored lines around the exterior edge of each square. Are these aesthetic only or do they serve a...
  11. Ryan Shannahan

    SI Federation Clarification Questions

    Here is a thread from Boardgamegeek where the same question is discussed. The designer explained that the shield icon was supposed to be the "two sword" icon. Until your question gets answered directly here, I recommend checking the thread on BGG...
  12. Ryan Shannahan

    Event: Foreign Relations Failed Alliance

    Appreciate the reply, Devin. That is in the direction I was leaning toward.
  13. Ryan Shannahan

    Event: Foreign Relations Failed Alliance

    How does the Failed Alliance event work in the Foreign Relations event box? Does it affect alliance between two alien factions? At 31:14 in the video below, the Failed Alliance event occurred, but Devin determined that it applies to an alliance between the player and an alien faction. I can't...
  14. Ryan Shannahan

    Core rules V2?

    My print rulebook has Rev 28 on the back cover, in the bottom right corner. The rules pdf available on this website is version 2, rev 28. https://forums.lnlpublishing.com/resources/space-infantry-resurgence-core-rules-pdf.291/ I use both extensively and they appear identical in text, format, etc.
  15. Ryan Shannahan

    Good Stuff!

    Agree. I played "A Friend in Need" from Nam, one of the good infantry only learning scenarios.Just like the boardgame, it was great fun, but with some awesome digital features to make playing the game even easier. Love the LOS tool and the terrain info tool.
  16. Ryan Shannahan

    Space Infantry Resurgence - Squad Roster Sheets

    I fixed a very minor type in the 1.1 version. I also uploaded alternate squad rosters. They are a little busier but allow you to keep track of the numerical value of your fire/melee/advance, etc. attributes as they change due to XP upgrades. Also included the publisher files I used to...
  17. Ryan Shannahan

    Hive Tile 10 - Answered

    Answered by Blackwell on Boardgamegeek: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2378937/hive-tile-10-hidden-pits-question The Hidden Pits only occur on the two interior tunnels, not the three exterior tunnels linking other sectors.