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Search results

  1. M


    Love the additions for Heroes of the Nam suggestions. Surprised that there are zero votes for the Arab vs. Israeli conflict. All kinds meat there to chew on. Will get the former soon-and the latter when and if it comes out.
  2. M

    What's Coming in the World At War 85 Series

    Arab vs. Isreali's gets my buck!
  3. M

    How about a Dien Bien Phu module for Nam?

    Got my interest. Would be a challenging , with last stand wriiten all over it.
  4. M

    Higher morale for Marines .

    Hey gang! For Heroes in the Nam I think the Marines should be buffed to a 6 morale. Was there in 69, although we had our issues, our morale was higher than the regular army. NVA should also be with better morale, they were really tough. Oh well ,just a game ,house rules work too. Semper Fi!
  5. M

    Raid on Taivu

    Good job! Am going to try this one with lnlsolo. The bitch is setting up for the AEO.