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Search results

  1. blazingPanzer

    In situ attack form up

    I think it would useful for units to have the ability to conduct the reorg phase of the attack, which usually happens at the FUP, without leaving their initial positions and to only leave these at H hour. In situations with a relatively static front line which is close to the enemy the current...
  2. blazingPanzer

    M1 rifle stats

    Looking through the estabs I noticed that the M1 rifle and carbine have the same ROF as bolt action weapons such as the kar 98k even though they're semi autos. I realise on the scale this game is set at there wouldn't be a huge difference, but as I understand it the M1 did give a noticeable...
  3. blazingPanzer

    Sherman Jumbo

    Checking the Jumbo Sherman's stats I've noticed that it has exactly the same speed, fuel usage and range values as the regular 75 mm Sherman. This seems odd as I have read that due to the weight of the considerable additional armour the Jumbos were much slower and had much less fuel efficiency...
  4. blazingPanzer

    Jagdtiger Pak 44 ROF question

    I've been looking at the stats for various vehicle armaments, and I think I've come across an irregularity which may be an error/oversight. The rate of fire for the HE ammo of the Jagdtiger's Pak 44 is (1 r/m, 3 r/m, 6 r/m) for slow med and high ROF respectively. This seems highly unusual as...
  5. blazingPanzer

    King Tiger armour effectiveness

    I was playing a scenario from the Valkyries scenario pack the other night and noticed a strange event. I had ordered a single Pz company consisting of 7 king tigers to attack a US light flak company; this enemy unit was equipped with only 2 weapons capable of killing armour which were its 40 mm...
  6. blazingPanzer

    Retreat Recovery

    Is there a way to estimate how long a unit in retreat recovery mode (not under fire) will take to recover? I've observed units recover very quickly sometimes, and on other occasions take quite a few hours to recover; this can be a bit of a problem when trying to execute a retreat as they just...