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Search results

  1. Bones26

    Gerbini/Sferro Station (Sicily, July 1943)

    May I suggest as a further future source, Mark Zuehlke and one of his volumes from his Canadian Army campaigns of WWII, more specifically his book entitled, " Operation Husky - The Canadian Invasion of Sicily, July 10 - August 7, 1943" His also has several other volumes pertinent to the...
  2. Bones26

    Canadian forces organization and equipment

    "Give me American supply lines, British planes, German officers and Canadian troops and I can take over the world." - Attributed to General Erwin Rommel.
  3. Bones26

    Canadian forces organization and equipment

    An excellent source for in-depth detail on the Canadian Forces in WW2, may I suggest Mark Zuehlke's wonderful series of books on the subject (The Canadian Battle Series), and in particular with respect to your specific question, his title "Break-out From Juno - The First Canadian Army and the...