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  1. Juanbususto

    Do I need the Solo rules to play Heroes of Normandy solo?

    The Solo module adds an IA opponent to your games. In addition of that, you can choose the level of control of this IA. As it isw designed for every module of LnL Tactical, I think is worth to have it in your collection.
  2. Juanbususto

    Heroes of the Motherland Vassal Modules

    Hi! Thanks for the effort :) I wanted to report, that the German Heer 2-3-4-5 counters are missing
  3. Juanbususto

    Getting ready for my first game

    I'm about to begin with my first LnL Tactical game, the first scenario of Heroes of the Motherland. I have though a question...in the scenario special rules, it says I can ambush with a leader and a 1-4-4-5/5 squad. What does this /5 means?