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  1. Bibu

    Questions, Comments, Suggestions and Answers

    Thank You for Your answers. When it is published, I will definitely buy it and try it out.
  2. Bibu

    Questions, Comments, Suggestions and Answers

    I totally agree that in a game with tactical combat a unit should be pinned down relatively easy, when enough firepower is directed at the unit. A soldier will duck his head when he will be attacked. But I think a unit does not get out of the fight completely only due to attacking it with enough...
  3. Bibu

    Questions, Comments, Suggestions and Answers

    First let me say, that everything looks great and that I am very interested in this game. But I have to major complaints so far. (1) Infantry attacks: Automatic success with enough FP? Do I understand the rules for infantry attacks right, that if attackers in Red Eclipse (so I imply that the...