Welcome to the LnLP Forums and Resource Area

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  1. L

    Do You Want to Beta Test LnLT Digital? Here's How

    Hi. My Steam account is the same of this forum: Lolopedo. I love Lock and Load system and I'm gonna have a lot of free time until Christmas.
  2. L

    Beta Test

    Nice video. I am ready for beta test too.
  3. L

    Release date.

    Are we closer? xD
  4. L

    How many modules on release?

    Ok, lot of thnks.
  5. L

    How many modules on release?

    Hi. Please, how many modules include the game on the release?: -Core Set, Normandy and Nam?, only Core first?, or some more?. Thnks
  6. L

    Release date.

    I am awaiting too for this .-)
  7. L

    Beta Test

    Please, i Love the game, and í´d like enter to Beta test. Thnks