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Search results

  1. E

    Questions on Activation of units vs Action Points

    Thanks AndyM for the clarification. This certainly puts a different perspective on game play and command and control. Regards, Eric
  2. E

    Questions on Activation of units vs Action Points

    Once a unit is activated either individually or by an HQ, does it stay active for the rest of the game? Do units ever get deactivated?
  3. E

    Movement Rules and Artillery

    Is there enough time in one phase to limber, move, unlimber and setup the gun?
  4. E

    LnLP Battles On Demand

    I have Lee at Gettysburg and will be playing it for the first time tomorrow. The font size for the commanders names is quite small. Is that being corrected? Or does the boxed version have a larger font? I like the concept of the smaller game and the mechanics of play. Regards, ERic Ottoson