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kontact now

  1. Steve Overton

    Fire Team - Red Eclipse AAR - Knock Knock

    This AAR will be one that highlights the vehicles in the game series. I've seen tactical game series that don't include vehicles and can't imagine not including them with mine. While the emphasis on the KN system is infantry combat, literally hundreds of thousands of combat actions include...
  2. Steve Overton

    Questions, Comments, Suggestions and Answers

    You're at the right place if you have a question about either the Kontact Now series or the Fire Team: Red Eclipse game in particular. Questions, Comments, Suggestions, and Answers can be had here. If your inquiring mind wants to know ask away.
  3. Steve Overton

    The Game That Started It All

    Kontact Now - Fire Team: Red Eclipse that's the name of the first game. Soon, it will be sitting on your game table and the smoke will be rising from the map!! Small unit action in 1989 from the most dangerous combat theater ever imagined. You are that Leader!! They are YOUR BOOTS on that...
  4. David Heath

    What is Fire Team: Red Eclipse

    So What is Fire Team: Red Eclipse? Fire Team: Red Eclipse is the first game in the new Kontact Now game series. Fire Team: Red Eclipse covers the Cold War Gone HOT in West Germany in 1989. Fire Team: Red Eclipse is designed and developed by Steve Overton with Jon Southard, designer of the...