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How to Report a Bug or Issue.

Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
We want to know if you encounter a bug or an issue with the game. However, to make good use of your and our time please consider the following points.
  • If we can't identify and repeat the behaviour we can't fix it. So make sure you can repeat the issue before reporting.
  • Check to see if the issue has already been reported. If so, see if it's been fixed. If not add your report to the existing thread.
  • Report the issue in this Game Support SubForum - not in the general forum.
  • We need to know what dialogs were open.
  • We need to know the exact steps that led to the error.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words. So include a screen dump, preferably one annotated to highlight the issue. It doesn't need to be a piece of art, but a few arrows and some text can go a long way.
  • For us to track down the bug we need a saved game or recording. In fact it's best if we have a save showing the issue and one taken just before it occurs. So SAVE EARLY, SAVE OFTEN. Use the AutoSave feature. Save before critical decisions - ie when you issue orders.
  • Be patient.
Thanks for your cooperation. :)
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Dave 'Arjuna' O'Connor

Panther Games Designer
Jul 31, 2014
Canberra, Australia
When describing what you did can you please ensure you use the same terminology for the user interface items that we use. If it's a dialog, then please use the dialog title as it appears on the screen. that will help in quickly understanding the problem and avoid confusion or misinterpretation. Thanks