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Israeli Reinforcement and Israeli Refit


Feb 24, 2019
I have a 2 questions on the Rules.

Q1: Israeli Reinforcement Table

1. It states a 1d6 die roll is made at the beginning of each reinforcement phase and if the die roll is equal to or less than the turn number, the Israeli units get the reinforcements set out in the table. So does this mean there is automatic success from Turn 6 onwards? If so, on a roll of 6 on any turn on or after Turn 6, which reinforcements are released (the table only provides for die rolls of 1-5)?

2. It further states that a set of reinforcements may be received only once. Does this mean that the list of reinforcements set out in the table are the only reinforcements the Israelis will get for the whole duration of the game?

Q2: Israeli Refit

Israeli refit involves rolls against wreck markers. So are the returning reduced platoons on a successful die roll referring to Centurion and Super Sherman platoons (as the wreck markers are placed only on their destruction) or is it referring to any platoons (including infantry, Sagger etc platoons)?

Would really appreciate some clarification on the above rules. Thank you.