PENDING 5.0.11 - Wrong Unit Data, on right click, Force Data option.


Version 5.0.10

Left clicking and selecting D Coy , 83th (should be 83rd?) Recon Bn then right clicking and selecting Force Data produces the force date for 3 Bn HQ 289 Inf Regt (75 Div) instead of the selected unit.

I have a save for this if you need it?


With a bit of experimenting I understand better what is happening now.

On dismissing the Force Data Dialogue, the stored information for the last selected unit is not being cleared so when you select a new unit, then right click and select Force Data from the list, the information of the previously selected unit is displayed instead of the currently selected one.


The same problem is also affecting the Edit Tasks Dialogue.
The Edit Tasks Dialogue is not clearing when dismissed and retains the data of the previous task when reopened after selecting another marker on the map, making things very confusing.