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Op Fire vs. Pending Melee attack?

Jun 10, 2016
Orlando, FL
Clarifying the Op Fire rules...

Assuming that a Squad starts a turn in an adjacent hex to one of my GO Squads, and the enemy wins Initiative... they can move into my hex and initiate Melee without any Op Fire opportunity by either my defending unit or any other friendly unit in LOS, correct?

Op Fire is triggered when an enemy unit spends MP in a hex and so no MP would be expended until they entered my defender's hex AND no fire is allowed into a hex with friendly units.

So given my starting premise, the only way to blast them before they enter melee is to win Initiative. Am I correct or missing something here?

There is no mechanism for the defender's about to be Melee'd to Op Fire as the attacker's enter their hex. Correct?

- Charlie