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I decided to replace the original "The First Blitzkrieg" resource with this one. It will include MyDrive external link instead of Google Drive link in the description. It should make the versioning easier.
Compared to the previous version, only one scenario is included initially. Others will follow.
The scenario name is "The Black Brigade - first battle" and depicts the historical battle of Jordanów 2-4 Sept. 1939 between German XVIII Army Corps and Polish forces including motorized units.
"Favour Allies" reinforcement schedule, is actually a separate "what-if" scenario, with more (but historically accurate) units on Polish side.
Scenario briefings and descriptions are translated to English.
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  1. "Die schwerpunkt". Battle of Piotrkow scenario added

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A really great job has been made here with the first two scenarios of this series. It really brings this moment in history to life.