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Lock 'n Load Tactical Core Rules Officer Edition

Lock 'n Load Tactical Core Rules Officer Edition v5.1 Rev73

This new version adds three important novelties : fires starting and spreading in and from hexes, off-board artillery fire missions types, and hull down positions for tanks. The rest are mostly clarifications, and they are welcome. All interesting and useful modifications.
"Lock N Load Publishing" Has done it again, a complete and concise set of rules that is unparalleled today. While 4.1 was clear enough and didn't give me a severe headache, this one is no contest, this is the BEST rulebook I've ever had the pleasure of reading.

Thanks for the hard work LNL! This is an amazing feat, and for that I'm giving this a solid 5/5. I wish you all the best of luck in the future.
David Heath
David Heath
Over 500+ downloads in less than 24 hours and only one review. Please let us know what you think.
Fantastic. It is much longer than anything before it (I've been playing since first edition LnL), but it is very comprehensive. It leaves very little for the reader to have to figure out on their own.

The manual is very well cross-referenced AND very redundant, the latter which helps with rules-retention and makes things easier to find during play (ie. "This paragraph talks about this rule, but where was that ONE line that pointed out this one exception that applied to this rule, etc etc").

Love the new Laying Smoke rules. It makes Laying smoke ever so slightly more efficient than before.
Complete, colorful and readable rulebook for free. Super impressed, and well put together rulebook. I grabbed the hardback based on the PDF (totally not needed, but I like books). I found the font size easy to read, colorful pages engaging, and the additional narrative tutorials very effective. Great job and great support!
Must have resource for all players. Ideal for popping onto your tablet to use as a reference
Sharp and continually on point by staying up to date. Well done to all involved. Thank you for your attention to detail, and commitment.