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WaW85 New Features Changes from 1st Edition to 2nd Edition

WaW85 New Features Changes from 1st Edition to 2nd Edition Rev2

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World At War 85 v2.0 has been successfully funded and will be available soon. Many of you have asked for a list of design changes from v1.0 to the new v2.0 edition.

There are over 60+ changes and enhancements and that is not a complete list. Here are a few changes listed below.

  1. Newly designed counters are larger and easier to read. Better font, and no more underlines, plus signs, or infinity symbols. All ranged attack values are across the countertop while the defense, move, and assault are along the bottom, further aiding readability.

  2. Completely redesigned range, firepower, armor, movement, and assault values for all units in the game.

  3. All scenario introductions are rewritten to a new real-world background story.

  4. More realistic but still easy to use LOS rules revised to re-reflect elevations including the new helicopter modes. Terrain height and unit height are defined, blind spots are revised to be realistic depending on the altitude difference between the attacker and target hex.

  5. New Core Rules, incorporate many aspects that used to be special scenario rules, like initiative, helicopter landings, night fighting, parachute drops, etc.

This PDF file can be downloaded to give you a good look at many but not all the changes and new design features to the series.

You can also download the new World At War 85 Core Rules at this link.
- http://bit.ly/WaW85-Manual

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David Heath
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  1. WaW85 New Features Changes from 1st Edition to 2nd Edition

    We have been asked what has changed from the original World At War to World At War 85. Here is...