Welcome to the LnLP Forums and Resource Area

We have updated our forums to the latest version. If you had an account you should be able to log in and use it as before. If not please create an account and we look forward to having you as a member.

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  1. Mickt014

    Build 5.0.11

    what a difference, big thanks to Dave and LNL..:-)
  2. Mickt014

    Build 5.0.10

    Thanks Dave..thats great news
  3. Mickt014


    Would be nice to be able to get this version game working properly before anymore updates. Still have not been able to finish one game yet
  4. Mickt014

    Improvments to Interface

    Can we have the following windows automatically opened on startup. It is a real pita to have to open them every game. Edit Task Orders Force Msg. Can we also have the filter boxes at the bottom to remember the previous options, again a real pita to have to reset these every game