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Search results

  1. John Rainey

    4K 3840 x 2160 resolution problems

    I have a 4K monitor set at 3840 x 2160. In the windows display setting I have "Change the size of text, apps, and other items' set at 150%. When I start the game all of the menu's are fine until I get the the main game play screen. The map is fine but the menu boxes do not display all of the...
  2. John Rainey

    Any news?

    Seems to have gone very quite. Can we get any kind of update on this project? Thanks.
  3. John Rainey

    Vassals Module

    David, Is there a Vassal Module being worked on? If not contact me, I've produced several. If so I can't wait! Just preordered the game.
  4. John Rainey

    Windows Error box on Start

    Installed the core game and 3 scenario packs. Used custom directory on my E drive. "E:\Command Ops 2\CmdOps.exe" Every time I click on the desktop icon I get a small windows\system error box with a white x in a read circle. Message is: The ordinal 14348 could not be located in the dynamic...