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Search results

  1. Lennart Olsson

    What makes a good scenario?

    Which attributes values makes a good scenario? Which scenarios will I replay in the future? I have played against the AI and replayed all the scenarios in the battlepacks Normandy I and II, Battles to the Rhine, In Defiance, Pacific I and II, Nam I, II and III, Bitter End I and II, Falkland...
  2. Lennart Olsson

    Improved AI

    When playing against the AI, it is sometimes too easy to win when the AI makes bad tactical actions, e.g.: · Enter a hex marked with “Fire For Effect”, risking to be shaken or cause casualties. · Leave a good defensive position which may be a victory hex and finish the move in a...
  3. Lennart Olsson

    LOS Tool

    I'm missing showing the distance in hexes, as it was done in HOS when using the LOS Tool. A great game, Thanks!