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Search results

  1. Eric Burgess

    New World At War Winter Map Style

    Those are stunning! I want! Can I just get the new maps? I have purchased the entire WaW collection, so doing it again would be cost prohibitive.
  2. Eric Burgess

    Counter Font Issue...

    Option 2, I would eventually like new supplements to have more readable counters.
  3. Eric Burgess

    Counter Font Issue...

    Option 2 please. I've been wanting to do some reference sheets myself, but if LNL could create some PDF content to download that would be great. I have every box, compendium and LoF!
  4. Eric Burgess

    Thinking about NaW/WaW campaigns

    I think variable OOB would be the most interesting option, to keep the campaign replayable. You would have a core OOB, then roll a D6 and add another formation, air support, air cover, etc. Modify the D6 based on whether you won the last battle or not. I like the idea of replacements too. Some...