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Search results

  1. Crawford

    Trial of Strength - New Project Leaders

    No updates since 2015?
  2. Crawford

    Trying to Contact David Heath

    Dave, Is Trial of Strength going to see a reprint? If so, is there a timeline? It continues to be the best EF game ever made.
  3. Crawford

    Continuous movement and op fire

    When marked for continuous movement, can a unit op fire? I'm playing No but want to clarify.
  4. Crawford

    Stalin's Triumph Update

    I know this is a pipe dream but my big wish is for NaW doing a full EF OOB module so I can play any situations from 41-45. Looking forward to ST.
  5. Crawford

    Trial of Strength Feedback

    A friend and I are planning a game of ToS in February. We'll likely use the 1942 start time. If you want us to implement any changes for playtest purposes, let me know.