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Search results

  1. rekim

    FAQ - Font Size - Why does the text overrun the dialog?

    I bought Command Ops 2 on day one. Have yet to play it because of this issue : (
  2. rekim

    FAQ - Font Size - Why does the text overrun the dialog?

    Sorry for not being clear; my laptop has MS Sans Serif installed also. I was investigating my setup with your findings in mind Ranger, where the Microsoft Sans Serif fonts were missing.
  3. rekim

    FAQ - Font Size - Why does the text overrun the dialog?

    Sad to report that the Microsoft Sans Serif font library is not the cause/fix for my dialog rendering woes. I finally got around to checking the font library on my Windows 7 laptop and noted that the Microsoft Sans Serif font is already installed : ( edit: correction...OS is Win 8.1
  4. rekim

    FAQ - Font Size - Why does the text overrun the dialog?

    This sounds encouraging. Will share my results when I get the chance to try it out in a few days. My thanks to those who did some digging.
  5. rekim

    FAQ - Font Size - Why does the text overrun the dialog?

    I would really like to play CO2 on my laptop but cannot due to the menu scaling issue. Holding off on expansions until this is addressed. Hope this receives some attention soon as I'm eager to grab KOAD.