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Search results

  1. Muzzlehead

    ToolTips not displaying in 5.1.21

    Are there tooltips for the orders window in the current release version 5.1.21? Page 65 references them in manual 1.1, but hover the mouse over the order button no tool tips display... nor when I hover over the weather in the control window. Actually I am now noticing there are no tooltips at...
  2. Muzzlehead

    Please Allow a greater level of zoom on the counters

    As the title says ... the game absolutely needs a greater zoom level... currently the game is barely playable with my old man eyes... or another option would have a particular counter jump out at a larger level when you rest the cursor over it.
  3. Muzzlehead

    One more level of Zoom

    I am an old man.. with old man eyes.... it would be great if you could add one more level of zoom to the game. It is mighty hard to read the counters even at the highest level of map zoom. thanks Scott