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Search results

  1. Rasputitsa

    Speculations on Eastern Front Operations

    It certainly would, much more realistic than manually shoveling hundreds of counters around the map and you may actually have time to finish a campaign game in one lifetime. CO2 would provide an historically accurate and realistic command and control system, that few other games can match.
  2. Rasputitsa

    Wiggum's CO2 Sound Mod

    Thanks, using the mod in Command Ops 2, nice work.:happy:
  3. Rasputitsa

    Speculations on Eastern Front Operations

    It is encouraging to know that this game system can be extended into a strategic scale, but problematic as to whether it will be extended. If it happened, it would be a spectacular game and after years of micromanaging, counter shoveling titles, it would provide a refreshing and much more...
  4. Rasputitsa

    Speculations on Eastern Front Operations

    Is there any chance that this game system can be extended into a strategic scale, with Army/Corps/Division breakdown of units. The issuing of commands/objectives/formation orders to HQ units at that sale would simplify and be more realistic, when compared with other big East Front games.