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Search results

  1. C

    Vassal Module 2.0: Assigning grey units to HQ.

    In the new Vassal Module for World at War 85, assigning a color to a non-Defense of Frankfort grey unit and the appropriate HQ does not work. It only works for Defense of Frankfort unit counters.
  2. C

    Need help in acquiring the current patch

    I still have not been able to get my Steam key. The folder is still empty
  3. C

    Need help in acquiring the current patch

    I went to the Serial Key section in My Account and it is empty. It literally says, "The page you requested cannot be found." I own not only the Core Engine along with several packs.
  4. C

    Need help in acquiring the current patch

    Reading thru the forum, it looks as if I need a steam key. How do I get steam keys for the core game and the modules I have already purchased?
  5. C

    Need Help with Update

    Thanks David. I have posted in the support section. I hope everyone recovers.
  6. C

    Need help in acquiring the current patch

    I can't figure out how to download the current patch for Command Ops. I don't have the Steam version. I have looked all over the website and the forum and cannot find anything that tells me where and how to obtain the patch. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. C

    Need Help with Update

    I'm really frustrated. I can't find where to download the latest patch for Command Ops. I have asked in the Support Section (twice) and have not gotten a reply. Any assistance would be appreciated.
  8. C

    World At War 85 Starter Kit On Tabletop Simulator

    I downloaded the DLC for World at War 85 (full version not the starter kit) and I noticed that there are no air crafts or helos for the Americans. Were they overlooked in setting up the module?