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Search results

  1. M

    Shaken units and overruns

    I have two shaken squads in the road with an armored car bearing down on them. My question is are shaken units handled as per the normal overrun rules? Or since they are shaken, are they automatically eliminated like in melee? If possible a rule reference number would be appreciated as well as...
  2. M

    Ops Complete

    Another quick question. I know rule states that attempting to spot, failing and being marked as ops complete does not constitute an impulse. But how failing a smoke attempt. I'm assuming it's the same, but we all know what assuming gets you. Thanks, guys.
  3. M

    Solo Rules Questions

    I'm trying to get my head wrapped around some of the nuances of the solo system and how best to employ it. 1) What exactly is considered a stack? 2) Opportunity Fire seems very predictable and easy to "game." Anyone using any workarounds? Or are most just going strictly with the charts...
  4. M

    Noville vassal?

    This is one of my favorite modules/extensions. Are there any plans to get this up on vassal? Thanks.