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  1. S

    Ver 5.0 PDF

    David, just want to thank you for the time you spent at Origins going over the new rule book with me! I’m downloading the PDF as we speak. Love this system. Rocky
  2. S

    Heroes of Nam - Sky Soldiers

    Thanks Stephane!
  3. S

    Heroes of Nam - Sky Soldiers

    in the Sky Soldiers scenario for the Americans do I use the 2-6-4 assault capable squads or the non assault squads.
  4. S

    Zero FP Unit in Melee

    If an zero FP unit is using a SW in a melee do they still get penalized with the -1 on the attack roll and +1 on the defense roll?
  5. S

    Games Status Update - If You Have Pre-Orders Read This

    Same for me this morning except my email only showed one of the four games I have on preorder.
  6. S

    Heroes of the Motherland

    Any news on when this will start shipping?