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Search results

  1. H

    Multi-Player - Hot Seat?

    any updates?
  2. H

    NaW Digital Feature Requests

    I don't know if the earlier request for hotseat would cover it...but it would be great to have asynchronous play. I've got 3 kids, one of whom is homeschooling for the rest of the school year, a job (working from home), and a wife (with a job, working from home). I just can't string together...
  3. H

    NaW Digital Feature Requests

    Second this: "Option to keep the results displayed as long as I want to see them, should only go away with a click. Good to learn the game. also (and apologies if it is in and I have missed it) Fog of War option.
  4. H

    All Things Zombie Reloaded

    What are the specific differences between the first and second edition? I have a copy of the first...if I DL the living rules, will I be able to play the 2nd? And if not, what would I need to make first playable under second rules?