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Search results

  1. hlhartman

    Combat Results?

    Hey guys! Beautiful game you have here. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the Combat Results Table. Whenever I roll a result that is numerical, for instance 1/2, the units may either lose a step or retreat, right? If the player may choose, why would they ever lose a step? Couldn't they...
  2. hlhartman

    Where to start

    Are those player aid cards the same as the detailed player aids included in the demo? Those are fantastic! :D
  3. hlhartman

    Solitaire Play Question

    Very interesting, David. From what I've read, though, the system seems highly functional as a solo without much (any?) finagling. That's great from the outset.
  4. hlhartman

    Where to start

    Good back and forth here, too, about where to start. How modern will the future releases be? Is there a possibility to play out urban scenarios where troops are taking on terrorists, for example?
  5. hlhartman

    Solitaire Play Question

    Thanks for all of the comments. As of now, I'm also looking to play solo.