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Search results

  1. Lex-Talionis

    Heroes of Nam - AMGRUNT maps

    Thanks for this precision ;-).
  2. Lex-Talionis

    LnL Compendium vol 2 & vol 4 - Table of content ?

    Compendium VOL2. The description on the last page says "over 20 scenarios and 1 map" but it seems that there's no map. The same error is written on the shop site...
  3. Lex-Talionis

    Startling claim - Cargo Ship carrying LnLT Games sunk by U-Boat!?!?

    If you can track those boats, where are they at this time ?
  4. Lex-Talionis

    Games Delayed

    End of May for you, so June for buyers ?
  5. Lex-Talionis

    Heroes of the Nam correction & suggestion

    Is Ryan in the 10 Platoon or 11/12 Platoon ?
  6. Lex-Talionis

    Some Errata for Heroes of the Nam

    On the "ORDNANCE WEAPONS, AMMO & TARGETS" player aid, it seems that there's a misprint in the "ORDNANCE (TO-HIT)" section. "A hit from an even dice-roll (2d6) that is < 2 hits a tank's turret" /!\ it should be " > 2 "