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Search results

  1. M

    Changing the sequencing of the game

    I take the liberty of referring those who are interested in the subject to the discussion thread that takes place on the Steam forum because I find that we address arguments and counter arguments that seem to me to advance the debate...
  2. M

    Changing the sequencing of the game

    Hello to all, I take advantage of the imminent release of Second Front and the opportunity I was given to try it out to come back with my suggestion to allow the player to play ALL his units in a specific phase and only then to switch to the opponent. This is how it is played in Second Front...
  3. M

    Changing the sequencing of the game

    The work you have done on the porting of the Lock'n'Load Tactical boardgames to the digital version is just great. I really feel the same way when I play on my computer as when I play on the paper versions. Nevertheless, the sequencing of the game turns which is a real plus when playing with a...
  4. M

    Do You Want to Beta Test LnLT Digital? Here's How

    Hi David, My Steam account name is maitrebongo (I think you know who I am and hope you remember what I did on the game Heroes of Stalingrad and the conversations we had about it.). I would be happy to help with this beta test. As I said, I really want Lock'n'Load Tactical to become the...
  5. M

    Beta Test White Star Rising

    Hi, Be very honored to be able to test this game too. Thanks