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Search results

  1. joneshowarda

    Sicily and Italy

    Are there any plans to take LnL Tactical scenarios to Sicily and Italy? Heroes of Italy maybe?
  2. joneshowarda

    New X-Map Prices

    Hey guys, I'm budgeting for the big LnL Tactical arrival so I'm getting curious about how much the X-Maps for Hell Frozen over and Dark July will run. Should I estimate about the same price as the Noville/Bastogne X-Map? Thanks!
  3. joneshowarda


    I could have sworn I'd seen an answer in the rules, but while I was playing my son the other day I couldn't find it. Say both my leader and a unit in his hex are both Shaken, and I make the rally roll for the leader. Can I then see if the leader can rally the unit? Or do I have to wait until...
  4. joneshowarda


    Wish I could have been there for Origins. Will you be heading out to GenCon?
  5. joneshowarda

    Adjacent in Wooden Building

    If I have an American squad in one hex of a wooden building and a German squad in another hex of the same building (same floor) I assume that both units get the adjacency bonus when firing upon one another. Can I also assume that the defender in both cases also gets the +3 for being in a...