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Search results

  1. C

    Leclerc's et l'Armee du terre?

    Chic! Looks like I may have to sign on to the rebooted series!
  2. C

    Fulda gap map?

    Is the map just a blow up of the maps that come with the base game, or different? Are there reeealy big scenarios part of the base game as well, or just with the big map?
  3. C

    Fulda gap map?

    Are there any scenarios that can be adapted to the new large Fulda map, or does one just design their own?
  4. C

    Leclerc's et l'Armee du terre?

    Salut! just wondering, before I dive into the second edition of WaW85 if there will a module for the French army, a la Paris is burning ?