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Search results

  1. T

    Day of Heroes....scenarios

    hi, Playing with version 1...I noticed on a you tube play through video that the scenarios in vers.1 and vers 2 differed.While version 2 had Sgt.Brown and Lt.Smith available to US forces...version 1 did not...I did not have the opportunity to do a side-by-side comparison of other scenarios since...
  2. T

    Heroes of the Pacific...Using Solo expansion..

    if anyone has played this game, using Solo rules,how do you handle a Banzai charge...? I see nothing on the flow charts referencing this..or have I messed something? Again?
  3. T

    Day of Heroes

    Again,I seek your sage advice..is this possible? A Blackhawk flies across the board ..goes into hover mode in a hex adjacent to Somalis...can the helo Fires it’s weapons with a +2 modifier for being adjacent? Is the helo subject to OpFire before it makes its attack on the hex from qualified...
  4. T

    Heroes of the Pacific using Solo module

    Hi, Just wondering how y'all decide to initiate a Banzai attack using the solo rules?..Just received the game and want to insure I'm using the rules correctly.. Thanks