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Search results

  1. Rich Paris

    Video guide

    I agree with Steve about interceptors. Boy was I not doing the Flak attacks correct. I was not taking the B-17 structure number off the die roll and had over half of the squadron damaged during missions. I kept going over the rule and just kept missing that major detail. You learn from watching...
  2. Rich Paris

    A Wing and a Prayer Updated Player Aids

    WOW! The Lock-N-Load team are on it!!!! Received version 2.2 in mail the other day and thank you for the support you are giving us. Did not expect a complete new rule book and even the last few pages are great looking crew/mission tracking sheets. Awesome. Thanks!
  3. Rich Paris

    LnLP Convoy Sighted - Containers Not Lost to U-Boats

    Thank you for the correction Michael. Score or Goal, Either way we still WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Rich Paris

    LnLP Convoy Sighted - Containers Not Lost to U-Boats

    Scoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore!!!! Is that how the announcers say in football?
  5. Rich Paris

    A Wing and a Prayer - Bombing the Reich

    David, Could the rules get posted? If not a general post, how about those of us who pre-ordered? Need to train my crews before heading to the ETO. Thanks, Rich