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Search results

  1. S

    Am I Understanding Hedges Correctly?

    Excellent, that makes perfect sense now. Thank you very much!!
  2. S

    Am I Understanding Hedges Correctly?

    Okay cool, thanks Ty, I misinterpreted your answer to him then. Could you explain please why in the last example the LOS is blocked?
  3. S

    HoN glider question

    In the scenario "Overlord Begins" after the gliders land, they are marked with a "MOVED" marker. The Germans are not allowed to do anything but MELEE. So, once they land, if there's no MELEE, it's on to the Administration Phase as round one is over?
  4. S

    Am I Understanding Hedges Correctly?

    In the first example, would either the Germans or the Americans be able to see each other if the Americans were in hex D4, assuming it was clear? Also, Ty says "Are we basically saying that units adjacent to the hedge can see out but those not adjacent to the Hedge can't see in?" and Barthheart...
  5. S

    Heroes Red Star/Heroes of the Gap question

    I purchased Heroes of the Red Star. I already have Heroes of the Gap and Honneur et Patrie. Does Red Star contain everything Gap and Patrie have in them or can I give those two away? Thank you very much.
  6. S

    What should I buy next?

    So, I wait to order it because it's going on sale but then Bastogne's Outpost is out of print? I also ordered the X Maps. I hope they don't send me the X Maps and not the game....
  7. S

    What should I buy next?

    Also, if I get "Heroes of the Motherland" and "Heroes of the Nam", what else can I get for those titles? Thanks guys.
  8. S

    What should I buy next?

    Are there any earlier titles that can be had on eBay which are expansion for Heroes of Normandy?
  9. S

    What should I buy next?

    I recently purchased "Heroes of Normandy" on ebay. Love it. What would be the expansions I can either get on this website or on ebay if they're out of print? Is there a place to find an order of games for this series? The same would go for "Heroes of the Motherland" and "Heroes of the Nam"...