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Search results

  1. R

    Steam Key?

    Here's a brief task list for people who want to move over to Steam: 1. Download and install Steam itself. 2. Go to the STORE menu option and search for Command Ops 2 - this is the core engine which is free. Download the core engine and run a game on it for a few minutes to make sure everything...
  2. R

    All American over Nijmegen - German side

    Thanks very much for your reply - you obviously have detailed knowledge on this subject and you've inspired me to learn more! Thanks again, - roGER
  3. R

    All American over Nijmegen - German side

    I'm not sure the artillery is realistic in terms of the number of artillery units you can assign to a particular target. In practice, I believe that the largest artillery concentration achievable on an ad-hoc basis would be an entire division (for British divs, that's one unit of heavy and two...
  4. R

    Knock on all Doors 'Set 1, Historical "O - Tag" Preiss’ Push'

    Really great report and pictures - good work! Thank you. - roGER