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Search results

  1. D

    NaW New version Kickstarter expected?

    I was just curious if there is a plan to have a KS to upgrade NaW like y'all did to World at War? I really like this game system but not interested in current/WW3 era armor. I am trying to decide if I should complete the NaW set. Thanks! Dreux
  2. D

    Anyone use Solo Assistant for NAW yet?

    I'm very interested in this product, I'd like to know if anyone received a copy yet and has used it. For $50 USD I need some good people's opinions ! Thank you! Dreux
  3. D

    Recommended Setups

    Hi everyone, I am just getting into the game system with Heroes of Normandy and loving it so far. I'm still learning! I'm currently playing Saving Brigadier Hill scenario Does anyone have a recommended setup? I think I've got some good squads in decent positions for the defense, but I am...