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Search results

  1. S

    Kickstarter Model Moving Forward?

    Was wondering if there is any information about Lnl's broad use of the Kickstarter model going forward. I've already pledged for Storming the Gap and the Stretch Goals are adding a lot of exciting extras to the box. Is LnL planning to largely switch to a Kickstarter method for new products going...
  2. S

    OFT SW Inside Buildings

    Hi all-- Apologies if this has been answered previously-- I was able to find a related link on BGG but just wanted to confirm (https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1573326/oft-building-building). Rule 1.6 in the Modern War Rules states that SWs using the OFT cannot be fired from inside a building...
  3. S

    Counter Storage-- Suggestions?

    Hi all-- I'm new to the LNL Tactical System and, in the process of studying the rules and playing some introductory scenarios, I've been trying to determine the best method for counter storage. I've got a handful each of WWII and Modern modules and, as a relatively new student in ASL also, I've...