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Search results

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    Hello Dave and thanks for the great game. Anxiously awaiting BaB in Northern California. Question 1 of 2 is regarding orders to units, battalions etc. If a unit does not have orders the information panel on that unit states "waiting". Will any waiting unit still defend itself even if it doesn't...
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    Reason for No Show

    Hello Everyone, I've been digging around the scenario editor and making my own scenario and was curious the reason for reinforcement schedules having "no show" for some units. Thanks, Steve
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    Bombarding Enemy Armor Units

    Hello All, I've got myself into a pickle. One of my supplying bases was eliminated which has put my supply routes at a snails pace. Several of my artillery units have no HE ammo but have plenty of AP ammo. I'm attempting to engage the armor units with either fire or bombard orders but the AP...
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    A couple rule questions

    I can't seem to find a purpose for the German bunkers or if they can fire. Once a German unit is disrupted, can another US unit continue to assault that disrupted unit. Such an excellent fast playing game. Than you. Steve
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    CO2: Using HQ units to attack

    Hello all. First time CO2 gamer, long time admirer and finally playing and enjoying it immensely. I was a US Navy sailor and current naval warfare sim player (Harpoon, Silent Hunter, CMANO) so ground tactics are a bit new to me. Historical naval conflict has taught us that loosing the Flag...